Friday, October 16, 2015

Crazy dreams and peanut butter?

Life on the ship has returned to normal since we left Italy. It’s smooth sailing from here to Croatia despite the thunder, lightning, rain, and wind we going through right now. I thought today was going to be a great day to lay by the pool ,and do some homework, but it is actually the coldest day we have had on the ship. I would drink some warm coffee, but their version of coffee tastes like watered down coffee beans.

Sleeping has been exceptionally weird lately. My cabin has no windows. So when you turn off the lights, it’s pitch black. Sometimes I can’t tell if my eyes are opened or closed. Because of this extreme darkness, I tend to wake up very disoriented and I’m never sure which way is up or down. So basically, every morning, I have a small panic attack because I forget where I am. Last night the weirdest thing happened to me. I had this crazy dream that I was locked inside a box, banging on the door trying to find a way out. When I woke up, I was surprised to realize that I was out of my bed banging on my own front door.

WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME?! I don’t think I've ever slept walked in my life, so I guess this is a first for me. I don't think I mentioned in my last post about how I was stuck in an elevator while in Italy. It was an EXTREMELY small elevator with a cage around it and my friends and I were stuck on it for a few minutes because it stopped in the middle of two floors. Luckily, we were able to get out. But maybe this experience had something to do with my dream….probably.

Despite the weird dreams, I always have my peanut butter to look forward to. The food on the ship isn’t necessarily good or bad, but the giant pan of peanut butter and bananas they keep out are my favorite. Peanut butter is my new desert. Maybe the peanut butter is causing the weird dreams?

I’ve also begun taking yoga every morning on the deck, while watching the sunrise. I wish I could describe the experience, but it’s one you have to experience for yourself.
I am very excited to go to Croatia and have already planned to go snorkeling and take a day trip to Montenegro! I’m still trying to figure out the rest of my trip but I am sure it will all work out!

It’s so crazy to think that we’re already onto our next country. See you in two days Croatia!

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